Free Brain Fitness & Mobility Program Starts January 13 Join us, starting on Monday, January 13, 2025 through March 3, 2025 from 10:00 am – 10:45 am at your Pagosa Senior Center for a free 6-week new Ageless Grace® exercise program, taught by Judy, a trained Ageless Grace® facilitator who will support and help you learn gentle movements to enhance brain health and mobility. We will spend 30 minutes in a chair exercising and stimulating five areas of our brain functioning. Yes, it is possible to strengthen our neural connections even as we age! Anyone, ages 21 and older are invited and encouraged to participate in this program. Ageless Grace® is a cutting-edge brain fitness program based on neuroplasticity that activates all five functions of the brain – strategic planning, memory/recall, analytical thinking, creativity and imagination, kinesthetic learning – and simultaneously addresses all twenty-one physical skills needed for lifelong optimal health functioning. Ageless Grace® is a highly effective brain fitness program that keeps participants moving and thinking through the power of play! Because wellness shouldn’t have to be boring or painful – in fact, it should be fun! To watch a Ted Talk on “Ageless Grace” go to:
January 2025