A Matter of Balance
A Matter of Balance is an award winning falls prevention program designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase the activity levels of individuals 60 or better who have concerns about falls. Classes help participants to:
You can benefit from the activities because of concerns about falling
- View falls and fear of falling as controllable
- Set realistic goals for increasing activity
- Change their environment to reduce fall risk factors
- Promote exercise to increase strength and balance
You can benefit from the activities because of concerns about falling
- You are concerned about falls
- Have sustained a fall in the past
- You restrict activities because of concerns about falling
- You are interested in improving flexibility, balance, and strength
- You are age 60 and better, ambulatory, and able to problem solve
This program has been temporarily suspended and will resume again in the future. Please feel free to contact the office for more information at 970-264-2167.