Healthy Aging & Yoga Therapy Class Series Starts Monday Jan 16
Gather with local yoga practitioners AJ Connors and Will Sechrist for a series of evidence based healthy aging and yoga therapy classes at the Pagosa Senior Center geared for adults and older adults of all ages. Start 2023 with a yoga series for healthy aging individuals with therapeutic classes offering yoga tools and education for strength, resilience, and wellness. Classes are designed to address different aspects of healthy aging and are geared towards accessibility and gentle practice. The themes for the class will include physical and mental well-being utilizing movement, meditation, and breathing practices. Mats and chairs will be provided; it's optional to bring a blanket, and please wear comfortable clothing. Classes are offered Monday 2:30 pm-3:30 pm with a suggested donation sliding scale of $5-15/class. First class begins 1/16/23 and subsequent classes are 1/23/23, 1/30/23 and 2/6/23. Suggested Donation for Hot Meals will Increase January 2023
Meals on Wheels (MOW) of Pagosa Springs is a food service provided by the Archuleta Seniors Inc. for those needing a hot, home-cooked and home delivered meal at low cost. The cost of a meal historically has been a $5.00 donation. Starting in January of 2023 the suggested donation will be raised to $10.00 for all meals (MOW, dine in, pick up, grab n go, guests) made by the Pagosa Senior Center and Community Cafe. As a reminder this increase in cost is being requested as a donation, and no one will be turned away. The current supply chain and the rising cost of food, along with limited program funding have put a strain on the nine year old non-profit. ASI kitchen staff hand prepare around 200 meals every day (five days a week, frozen meals on weekends) for people who are unable to make a meal for themselves. If you would like to Adopt A Senior to help provide hot daily meals to a senior in need or have other questions please contact us at 970-264-2167. |
January 2025